Our family is now headed off to Colorado for a wonderful vacation. Tim could not come sniff sniff or Kevin. They had to work. It was my family along with my mom and sister and her baby Kaylan in my sister's Tahue. All the babies were in the back seat while we were all the the front. What a tight fit. Then along the way we switched around to find a better way to sit. The car ride went really well. The babies did not cry much but all were on different sleeping schedules so we were always entertaining at least one. God blessed us with a really nice park that we took the kids to for our picnic and Anna loved the playground. We stayed in Colorado Spings at my Aunt Steph's house for 2 nights and we went to a organice place of fruits and vegetables. Now all I want is organice things now so I'm on the lookout. We saw most of our family and had a huge picnic at my uncle Bob's house and the kids played on the swing and they caught grass hoppers. Taylor and and Wyet had the best time and it was so neat to see the smiles on their faces. They must of caught 20 of them. Caroline was taking a few steps here and there and then falling down. Then we went over to my dad's cabin where Mike and Micah were at. We took the kids for some walks and walked down to Grandaub and Bob Bob's house for a picnic and Anna wanted to go in the river. I did not want to go because it was so cold but Elizabeth went with her and she loved it. Then I had to go and I lasted about a minute. Anna loved throwing sticks and she said Mommy looks it's going so fast. We went to a Mexican place we always go to and it was sprinkling and I was walking Caroline around and we say the bigest rainbow ever. I have never seen so close to one and it spreaded all across the mountain. Another reminder of what God does for us. Then on the way home we stopped and had another picnic at the park and these geese came up to our table about 15 of them and we had KFC and they wanted our food. Pam started chasing them away and she would shu her arms it was so funny and one even bit my toe. Anna had fun running around them to but when it bit me I was all scared and Anna caught on too. We all had a wonderful time and I can't wait to go again next year if so. God really blessed everyone on this trip and it will be a vacation I will never forgot.