Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Day

For Christmas we always read the Jesus story first. Then we open our gifts. The girls had a blast. Caroline got these huge blocks, a piggy bank you put fake money in, a cash register, puzles, books and others. Anna got a ditigal kid camera, books, a leap frog computer, puzzles kitty grammy made her, tons of games, a doctor set to take care of minnie mouse and others. Tim gave me a grill to use in the kichen and a Rachey Ray cookbook and a gifr card for scrapbooking. I gave Tim a scale, the wizzard dvd and a waffle maker. Then we went over to puppy grammy's and had a nice lunch and played a fun train game and opened a few more gifts. After that we went to Kitty grammy house and had a nice dinner and did it all over again. We all had fun and now it's good to be home for a few days to rest. I asked Anna what is the meaning of Christmas and she said to see baby Moseses born she got confused and meant baby Jesus. It was cute.

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