Friday, March 27, 2009

Bible Stories at Church in October

Wow is all I can saw. Our family does not celebrate Halloween. So when that time comes around we usualy would stay home or take the kids to chucky cheese. This year we are apart of a new church Crossings. We love it so much. They had a October Fest like a carinval. I was thinking it would be like ok kids will play games eat and get candy. Boy was I wrong. We walked in and their was Bible scripture and people singing praises to God the whole night. The games were all Bible based. Like Danial in the Lions Den Joanah and the Whale and I think they would have differernt games. Anna loves the Cake walk. I can't remember the title though. She never won a cake but had fun with her friends Riley Carely and Shawn. It was a eveving full of praise and worship to God. Carley and Anna even danced and sang some of the songs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they look so cute in their costumes.